Welcome - Seed of Life Arts


Awaken Your Heart And Set Your Soul On Fire

This is more than an invitation, an invocation, and a blessing.  This is my mission statement.  This is the aim of my practice as a whole. Lofty though it may seem, igniting passion is what drives me.  I am here to share in the discovery of a path awakened by presence through the senses.  To see the spark in your eyes that I recognize as if I were catching my own reflection, to share in that moment of remembering (y)our true Divine nature, is my greatest desire. 

I have walked through this life as many do: on automatic, making as little noise as possible, doubting every step and fearing the worst at every turn. I have questioned myself, my worth, and my purpose. I have teetered on the precipice of absolute self-destruction.

And yet here I am, living  my passions out loud, so loudly I hear them echo back to me over ripples of time. I find myself, in spite of myself, ceaselessly optimistic, raucously joyful, unconventionally reverent, and filled with awe. 

What’s my story?  I’d be happy to tell you everything: where I come from, how I got here, and all the human drama you might care to consume.  But better yet, allow me to show you in bits and pieces, in practices and parables.  I’ll give you one hint: it starts with the breath. But if you want to know more, I invite you to join me on a journey of discovery so that we may bear witness to the unfolding, as one.

Take a deep breath, dear Lover, and let us explore what it feels like to live a life on fire.

Living out Loud