Keepers of the Fire: A FemPyre Project Update - Seed of Life Arts

Keepers of the Fire: A FemPyre Project Update

Hey, look, it’s a new blog post!  With FIRE!

It’s been a while, as you can plainly see, since my last blog entry.  Instead of getting mired down with a whole bunch of story in the process of trying to explain, validate, or justify my absence, please allow me to simply apologize and we can dive right in to the good stuff (including the answer to your burning question, “what’s a FemPyre?”).

So hey, you.  I love you.  I’m sorry I left you hanging for so long.  I promise I’ve been thinking of you.  Wanna chat now?


Let me tell you, it’s not been for lack of inspiration that I’ve neglected these pages.  I spent this spring and summer creating Things left and right, deeply immersed in personal and professional growth, and collaborating with myriad artists to produce all kinds of beautiful art and community offerings – not to mention tending to my incredible offspring, facilitating experiences for her to share the same sense of creative fulfillment and personal pride.  That one is a truly magnificent human specimen, I tell you what.

***I’ve also been engaged in inner conflict, struggling with self-doubt, processing heartbreaks and tragedies, and generally freezing at the thought of sharing any portion of my experience publicly.

So, you know, doing Life in a beautifully Human way.

Now autumn is arriving – the time of harvest – and I’m excited to share the fruits of my many labors of love, here and there and all around my neighborhood.  

Since it’s been so long, I figured I’d kick off my re-emergence with a little levity and drop an announcement for something that happened a while back, somewhat quietly and (mostly) unceremoniously: 

I joined FemPyre! 

FemPyre is more than an all-female performance troupe; we are a women-led fire and flow arts collective here in Dallas/Fort Worth.  We share a vision of a world where community bonds are strong, women are empowered in their unique and authentic expression, and people are encouraged to experience joy, self-discovery, and growth through play. We endeavor to help facilitate this vision through the mindful use of the transformative element of fire. This project was initiated by three spectacular women who have become very dear to me, even prior to my official addition to the leadership team.  I am humbled and inspired by the spirit in each of the women involved in this undertaking, and look forward to recounting our exploits and artistic endeavors here as well as on our brand-new webpage. 

In celebration of this unfolding, I now share with you our first collaboration, featuring the talents of some fantastic Dallas artists.  It was such a fun experience putting this thing together.  Maybe next time I’ll remember to document some behind-the-scenes footage so you can enjoy the full experience with us! 

You can connect with our wonderful collaborators here:

Videography:  Drewlio Photo

Music:  Chilldren of Indigo

And with that, I leave you in love and look forward to our next little chat.  I’ll try not to be such a stranger, but, you know how unrelenting that “life” thing can be.  Until next time… drop your comments, questions, and motivational quotes below!