Individuality Archives - Seed of Life Arts

The Prism of My Best

This post is part 3 of a 3 part series of musings on my changing relationship with the idea of perfection. If you need to, you can still catch up with Part 1 and Part 2 first.

So I have this picture in my mind of a prism.
At first I called it the “Prism of Perfection,” because you know I love my alliterations, but seeing as that’s an unattainable standard – and in keeping with the practices of the series this week – I’ve come to think of it as the Prism of My Best.

You remember prisms from high school science class?  Multi-faceted pieces of cut glass or crystal that refract sunlight into rainbows all around?

Refracting light

The prism I have in mind represents me, or, more precisely, the choices I come across each day in my pursuit of happiness.  Happiness, or whatever I may have chosen to seek that day whether happy or not.  My daily pursuit of… me-ness.   Continue reading “The Prism of My Best”