Tantra Archives - Seed of Life Arts

And Now For Something Completely Different…

Here’s a little last-minute mention, since I’m so on top of the timely announcements lately!  *Insert exaggerated eye roll*

I’ve been meaning to suggest that you check out this event happening near Austin this weekend.  If you think it’s something you’d be into, then nab yourself a ticket and pitch a tent near me!  I’ll be teaching there again, and this year I’m bringing a special sidekick.  Check us at the Tantric Philosophy and Breath workshop on a lovely Sunday morning!

I’m looking forward to sharing my recent experiences in shadow work; teaching some soul-shaking breath, sound, and movement practices; and discussing the practical daily applications of a nondual Tantrik perspective.

We’re gonna talk about sex, too.  SHAMELESS!  SHAMELESS!  Seriously, without shame! 

 Because… non dual.

Bring all your Q’s.  A bottle of water.  A notebook or recording device.  Yoga mat or blanket and pillow.  Your fearless heart. 

I, for one, can’t wait.

Dallas Austin Tx yoga Tantra workshop festival
photo: Bonnie B Lehr

The Prism of My Best

This post is part 3 of a 3 part series of musings on my changing relationship with the idea of perfection. If you need to, you can still catch up with Part 1 and Part 2 first.

So I have this picture in my mind of a prism.
At first I called it the “Prism of Perfection,” because you know I love my alliterations, but seeing as that’s an unattainable standard – and in keeping with the practices of the series this week – I’ve come to think of it as the Prism of My Best.

You remember prisms from high school science class?  Multi-faceted pieces of cut glass or crystal that refract sunlight into rainbows all around?

Refracting light

The prism I have in mind represents me, or, more precisely, the choices I come across each day in my pursuit of happiness.  Happiness, or whatever I may have chosen to seek that day whether happy or not.  My daily pursuit of… me-ness.   Continue reading “The Prism of My Best”

Trying My Best on For Size

This post is part 2 of a 3 part series of musings on my changing relationship with the idea of perfection.  In case you missed it, you can read part 1 here.

Some days I wake up and strap on my ass-kicking boots.

Some days I wake up and strap on a lifejacket.

Let me tell you the story of a very recent lifejacket day.


(Clockwise, from right:) Alternative, conventional, and earth medicine – for when you just can’t get enough immune support.

Not a full-on sob story floor puddle day, but well into that end of the spectrum.

On this day, however, in keeping with the “My Best” mindset, I tried something a little different than I usually might.  (Spoiler alert!)

I dropped the self-judgment.

I leaned in to my neediness.

And oh, how I needed.

Continue reading “Trying My Best on For Size”

Well, the time has Come (An Introduction)

For weeks now, I have been waging an epic stare-down battle of wills against my computer. 

I see you, Mac, you mean girl, you.

With the publishing of this blog post, I emerge victorious, but not before first admitting defeat for a few hard-fought rounds.

Continue reading “Well, the time has Come (An Introduction)”