Here’s a little last-minute mention, since I’m so on top of the timely announcements lately! *Insert exaggerated eye roll*
I’ve been meaning to suggest that you check out this event happening near Austin this weekend. If you think it’s something you’d be into, then nab yourself a ticket and pitch a tent near me! I’ll be teaching there again, and this year I’m bringing a special sidekick. Check us at the Tantric Philosophy and Breath workshop on a lovely Sunday morning!
I’m looking forward to sharing my recent experiences in shadow work; teaching some soul-shaking breath, sound, and movement practices; and discussing the practical daily applications of a nondual Tantrik perspective.
We’re gonna talk about sex, too. SHAMELESS! SHAMELESS! Seriously, without shame!
Because… non dual.
Bring all your Q’s. A bottle of water. A notebook or recording device. Yoga mat or blanket and pillow. Your fearless heart.
I, for one, can’t wait.

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