dinacharya Archives - Seed of Life Arts

Trying My Best on For Size

This post is part 2 of a 3 part series of musings on my changing relationship with the idea of perfection.  In case you missed it, you can read part 1 here.

Some days I wake up and strap on my ass-kicking boots.

Some days I wake up and strap on a lifejacket.

Let me tell you the story of a very recent lifejacket day.


(Clockwise, from right:) Alternative, conventional, and earth medicine – for when you just can’t get enough immune support.

Not a full-on sob story floor puddle day, but well into that end of the spectrum.

On this day, however, in keeping with the “My Best” mindset, I tried something a little different than I usually might.  (Spoiler alert!)

I dropped the self-judgment.

I leaned in to my neediness.

And oh, how I needed.

Continue reading “Trying My Best on For Size”

The “My Best” Mindset

My favorite yoga teacher has a beautiful way of responding any time she flubs a cue in class.

Yes, she flubs.  She gets her own groceries, too.  (Yoga Teachers:  They’re Just Like Us!)

She says “my best,” at times (and with a similar tone) that I might say, “my bad.”

And I love this.

Because why reinforce a mistake as something inherently bad when we know they’re bound to happen?  Why attach so much judgment to something as integral and inevitable as one’s learning process?

Continue reading “The “My Best” Mindset”